Learn crafts or body art, discover the Cricut Maker & Explore.
Free shipping within the UK.
Outside UK please contact Cat for costs.
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Cricut Infusible Ink Workshop
Make coasters and a fabric item with amazing infusible ink
20 British pounds
Service Description
Have you tried Cricut infusible ink yet?
Learn all about it in a fun hour-long session.
Online 1:1 video session on the platform of your choice - Skype, facebook messaging, Whatsapp...
Cut fabulous, colourful sheets, then use machine or hand-drawn designs to be heat transferred inside the surfaces of special craft blanks.
Cat will help you with design, and cutting/ drawing basics, before leading you though the heat transfer process.
Come and try some different techniques with a range of the Infusible Ink items, and take home your makes at the end.
Note: you need a range of infusible items and a Cricut.
Cat can advise what to buy or send a starter pack at an extra cost.
Cat has owned a Cricut Air and now a Cricut Maker, and a Joy.
Cat was Cricut UK's Maker of the Month in June 2018.
Cricut UK have since had Cat film several videos for them, and she hosts Cricut Wednesdays for Hobbycraft (when stores are open), is a Hobbycraft Cricut Trainer, and a travelling Cricut UK Ambassador.
Starter packs with a mix of Cricut consumables can be posted to you for an extra charge, or Cat can email a suggested shopping list.
You do need to have (or plan on getting!) a Cricut Air, Air 2 , Maker or Joy. machine.
You will also need to have downloaded & installed Cricut Design Space (it is free) and opened an account, on your laptop, computer, or ipad etc.